(Vol. II, No. 13) 25 December 2013
The Uno Newsletter (in Japanese) started after the 30th Memorial Conference (2007) in honour of Kozo Uno (1897-1977) who developed an approach to understanding capitalism (and appropriating Marx’s ideas) that contains three levels of analysis: the general theory of capitalism; the stages of capitalist development; and detailed studies of particular countries and time-periods. 22 issues of the Newsletter in Japanese were published between December 2007 and October 2013. Now we have decided to publish an English edition of the Uno Newsletter once or twice a year.
In the open spirit of Japanese political economy, contributions in the Uno Newsletter draw on diverse intellectual traditions. The focus of The Uno Newsletter includes the basic theory of capitalism such as the theories of value, money, capital accumulation, business cycle, and labour process; the integration of heterodox economics such as Marxian, Post Keynesian, Institutional, Evolutionary, and Neo-Schumpeterian economics; the theory of capitalist development such as Uno’s stage theory, the evolution of the capitalist world system, and intermediate theory; and finally the empirical analysis of capitalism such as the development of Japan, China, and Asia, or the financialization, globalization, and crises that tend to have global ramifications.
Nobuharu Yokokawa (Musashi University) , “Introduction to Vol. 2 No. 13"
Robert Rowthorn (Cambridge University), “The Emergence of China and India as Great Powers”.
Erik S Reinert (Tallinn University of Technology) and Ting Xu (Queen’s University Belfast), “Declining Diversity and Declining Societies: China, the West, and the Future of the Global Economy”.
Madhura Swaminatahan (Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore), “Income Inequality in an Era of High Growth: the Indian Experience”.
Tsuyoshi YUKI (Saitama University), “Proudhon’s Socialism and Marx’s Market Theory: the Theory of Free Credit and the Theory of Value Form”
Packed files:
We welcome comment on the newspaper editorsEN[at]unotheory[dot]org and on each working paper.
Subscription to the Uno Newsletter takes one minute. http://www.unotheory.org/en
Editorial Board (English): Nobuharu Yokokawa, Richard Westra, Costas Lapavitsas, Robert Albritton, Makoto Nishibe
Editorial Board (Japanese): Nobuharu Yokokawa, Takahisa Uemura, Shigeru Nitta, Masashi Shimizu, Nobuyuki Yoshimura, Hideaki Tanaka, Atsushi Shimizu
Advisory Board: Tsuyoshi Sakurai, Shigekatsu Yamaguchi, Kazuo Shibagaki, Makoto Itoh
Office: Uno Newsletter, Musashi University, Toyotama Kami 1-26-1 Nerima-ku, Tokyo 1768534 Japan
Tel: +81(0)3-5984-3764 Fax: +81(0)3-3991-1198